Part Four: Project Eight – Stage Two. Exercise Three

09 Mar

I see these exercises as craft based rather than telling a story. Saying that however discounts the fact that these pieces were not worked to a predefined pattern or kit that some one else had designed. They were merely ‘suck and see’ tasks: decide on a shape – oval. Use more rigid materials: bamboo bag handles parcel taped end to end. Think of the effect of light and space: interwoven yarns and fibres so that there were spaces where the light could shine through and the background could be seen between the materials. I should have photographed the object up against a black wall for a more tenacious visual impression.

A different material such as hemp or flax or rope may have resulted in a better outcome for the ‘making a rope’ experiment’. The outcome helped me to understand the technique but the use of plastic covered wire did not allow the cord when released to twist back on itself ending up in a compact object.

I prefer to work from a visual source so that there is something to focus on and proceed towards. Using the imagination is a creative process in itself which draws on the background and experiences stored away in ones sub conscious. These exercise are a means to an end and that is the satisfaction that comes from persevering with the various techniques. To develop these tasks further colour, pattern, shape and organisation must be considered in order to raise the effort to that which has aesthetic appeal as well as the “WOW” factor.

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Posted by on March 9, 2012 in Part Four: Project Eight - Stage Two. Exercise 3.


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