Category Archives: Part Two: Project Four – Stage Two. Exercise 4.

Part Two: Project Four – Stage Two. Exercise 4.

 A favourite NZ artist of mine is Hotere because of the messages behind his paintings. Here the cross is determined by two sheets of painted corrugated iron with small horizontal insertions and slightly apart from one another to illustrate a white cross against the background. I have used acrylic paints to reproduce the image on A3 black paper.

 Rather than draw the proverbial piece of fruit I chose some more mundane items in our class room and tried to reflect the various tones and textures with a variation of lead pencils.

 If I endorse anything special at the moment it is the environment as illustrated by forest and bird images. This one is aka the ‘parson bird because of his white bib under his neck just like the collar worn by the clergy.

 I reluctantly try not to reproduce human figures and do so only to create some interesting representations of recreational pursuits rather than ‘a display of nudity’..

Three photographs of the same scene taken at three different times during the day reproduced with pencil. Why would you bother with pen, paint and pencil when a photograph captures the precise details and can then be modified in photo shop or similar programs for manipulating images. The evaluation is cumbersome and the object becomes personified. Sitting in a studio/class room is very convenient rather than the kitchen table where room for paints etc is at a premium and has to be tidied up before the next family meal.

All these pieces of work commenced with a drawing and then proceeded to be produced with various other tools and media. The effort becomes intrenched as one goes along and each one has something special about its evolution even if it is just place in a loose paged sketchbook, portfolio or plastic envelope.

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Posted by on November 17, 2011 in Part Two: Project Four - Stage Two. Exercise 4.