Category Archives: Part Two: Project Four – Stage Two. Exercise 2.

Part Two: Project Four – Stage Two. Exercise 2.

The image on the left refers to the drawing for this exercise and is based on my interpretation of the textual aspects of the chosen piece of work from my resource file. Something I have wanted to trial is the charcoal pencils and then the rubber to add the textual impressions. I am still working in abstract form with a view to moving on to something more representative and defining. The charcoal although messy allows the use of the rubber for effect but also the fingers where the residue resides before hand washing. Both the putty rubber and the standard school rubbers work equally well and do need some pressure to erase and/or modify the base markings. I am still working generally and moving onto more definitive images gradually as I make sense of what appears to me visually on the paper.I enjoy the ‘play’ aspects of these exercises and am not in a hurry to be a Pic………… or a Mon…………………………… hoping that the viewer including myself can make some sense of what I am doing, ending up with a WOW.

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Posted by on November 14, 2011 in Part Two: Project Four - Stage Two. Exercise 2.