Category Archives: Part Four: Project Nine – Stage Four. Sample 2.


Part Four: Project Nine – Stage Four. Sample Two.

Making up a story board for this sample started with a brain storming session of understanding the word tranquil by way of word association. Roget’s Thesaurus helped to provide synonyms and spread the net far and wide in terms of related vocabulary.A better appreciation of the impact of the word meant that I did not become bogged down in my thinking.

Finding examples was not that easy so I confined my self to the images supplied by google when surfing the internet. I’m sure that there would be other sources such as my photo album and sketchbook. The selected images were representative of and descriptive of my choice of pictures. for the word tranquil. By default the colours produced by my printer in the final stages of using up the coloured inks were indicative of the hues that I associated with my chosen word – pale, pastels, flimsy, low value shades and tones – quiet, unassuming but leaving a warm glow inside.

I chose more images than I really wanted to but that was in order to make them smaller, less significant and certainly not to dominate the overall effect of the story board. The pictures were definitely placed in order of importance in the life cycle of the overall sense of tranquility but also to convey the impression that creation and creativity came as a causal result of the ebb and flow of water whether it be in the rivers, ponds or the sea.

Selection of fabric, threads yarns and fibres were more difficult to arrive at from my restricted sources. The fabrics with unobtrusive colours and the ‘washed about’ effect off the water-colour paints were indicative only. I tended towards choosing weaker than stronger values of colour. However I had a better feeling and affinity for the merino felting wools and had a sense of gloating as I placed them in their envelopes and attached them to the mood board.

The story and mood boards were starting to feel more in keeping with the design principles than some of my more recent work especially through the development stages. Perhaps there could have been more work in my sketchbook to aid the design process. I felt more inspired with these samples than I have done in the earlier exercises.

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Posted by on April 19, 2012 in Part Four: Project Nine - Stage Four. Sample 2.